Structured Society


Establishment: Liberals, conservatives, MAGA, environmentalists, military-industrial complex, globalists, BLM, liberal arts colleges, white supremacists, Congress, hookers, S&P 500, organized religion, Asians, LGBTQ, Trump family, woke, neo-nazis, the Squad, PAC’s, mainstream media, perverts, antifa, sociopaths, alternative media, professional athletes, Hollywood, financiers, the handicapped, angry minorities, Biden family, transgenders, CNN, higher education, accountants, organized crime, Eastern Europeans, law enforcement, populists, retired people, RINO’s, nativists, Latinos, Latinas, Latinx, Fox News, cults, centrists, midgets, sperm donors, antifa, independent studios, shakedown artists.


Come to think of it, this pretty much covers all people living in America, except two: you and me.